I would like to begin this page by thanking you all for reading and checking out this blog =D !
I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed researching and writing about all the ad's!
I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed researching and writing about all the ad's!
To summarize who I am :
I am Sandra El Atrach, I am 21 years old and my favorite color is blue :)
I am an American University of Sharjah graduate with a degree in Mass Communication, concentration in Advertising and minor in Marketing.
I love anything that has to do with influence, or impact and I believe that that is what advertising does. Influencing behavior and unconsciously making people want to buy something that they already have or may not need, and creating a sense of "need" in a persons heart and head is very much what advertising is all about. It's all about creating wants !
Branding !
Branding is also a major aspect in advertising and marketing, for if a brand does not differ itself from others then why does it exist? Forget prices, and demands for a second. A brand that creates an equity in the right way is in my opinion a dominant brand take Starbux for an example !!
NO ONE can copy or imitate Starbux.
The answer is equity!! Starbux differentiated itself with everything !! From the atmosphere to how your coffee is served... You may notice it but I won't go into further details.
Anyways, you may notice that I sometimes go off topic then go back to it (just like I just did)
sorry :$
sorry :$
Just bare with me, and I hope that my blog is a great read for you and gives you all the insights that you would like to know about whatever ad =)
To find out more about me, myself & I, you may watch this video:
You are more than welcome to comment, or send me an email to salatrach@gmail.com
for any inquiries or ad's you would like to share with me =]

Feel free to comment, and if you would like to mention the blog anywhere please hashtag: #toadvertisingwithlove
or tweet me @sandraelatrach
You may also contact me on : LinkedIn profile

Feel free to comment, and if you would like to mention the blog anywhere please hashtag: #toadvertisingwithlove
or tweet me @sandraelatrach
You may also contact me on : LinkedIn profile
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