on Thursday 27 March 2014
I admit it has been a while since the following events have happened and I deeply apologize for not uploading this post on time. 

I don't just love whatever comes out of Lebanon, but I ADORE whatever campaign allows the people  to unite and participate in together for something they all believe in. I am sure, my readers, you have all heard of the Lebanese Olympian Jackie Chamoun's photoshoot that went VIRAL  a few months back. No one really cared about it until our Youth and Sports Minister called for an investigation and made a huge deal of something she did for her own self, IN ADDITION, it was FOUR years ago !!!

With everything going on in Lebanon, that just makes no sense. Right?!

The #StripForJackie campaign  went viral, it was a campaign done where people take pictures of themselves naked but covering a body part and saying "I'm not naked, I am a...." this was a public campaign where people actually took pictures of themselves and sent it to IAmNotNakedFacebookpage who would then alter the picture making them all seem the same.
After the campaign grabbed everybody's attention, brands started using the hash tag to their own advantage. That was a smart way for them to show support to Jackie, also with what Lebanon is going through it was smart of them to show that will always be on the public's side.
Below are the pictures 

For more information you may visit : Hummusforthought or The IAmNotNaked Facebook Page

The onion was my favorite,
Which was yours?

Stay in touch to find out more about how the #StripFroJackie hashtag became #BeatDomesticViolence


on Saturday 8 March 2014
Have you recently clicked on Google.com and saw a bunch of figures dancing around?

Did you click on it ? if not do so and watch the cute little video they put together !

well if you didn't guess it just yet it's : WOMENS DAY

International Womens Day is celebrated on the 8th of March every year to celebrate the respect, appreciation and love that should and is given towards women.

Zero Degree Design Studio redesigned images of women that shook and recreated our history, they used their images and made them look and feel more alive with the use of bright and happy colors.

To visit google : Google

Happy women's day =]
on Friday 7 March 2014
One of the reasons I love Coca-Cola ad's so much is because they promote happiness. I ran into a website the other day and decided to take on the challenge.

Just a simple website promoting happiness !
Can you be happy for 100 days straight?

With that being said, doesn't Pharrell William's songg Happy play in your mind?

Anyways I decided to take on the challenge, and I'm posting pictures everyday on my twitter account! so if you want to follow up on why I'm happy and thankful everyday follow me on twitter @SandraElAtrach

In the world we live in today we ignore the that little things that can make us smile everyday.

So just be happy and thankful =]
Apologies for not posting, I'm very busy with my university studies & projects

-Be Happy, 

If you loved the first video, the following is the Lebanese Happy version =]