Copy & Layout
First Project :
The first project for this course was translating the words said in the Coca Cola For Everyone commercial into our own personal dialect (Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian, Saudi and so on) then recording my own voice and placing it on the ad.
Here is the original ad:
Here is mine:
Second Project:
My second project was about choosing a brand then interviewing people to find out what their brand associations is with the brand. After that we had to create a print ad and a commercial that reflect the brand associations.
Here are my two print ad's

After designing my print ad's I realized that the second one, is the one that should be the main one since it integrates the message that I sent in my TVC.
So I edited to fit Coca-Cola's ad designs and ended up with this:
Also the one on the right side follows Coca-Cola's design.
and here is my commercial:
I know that the commercial needed better quality and more editing, but the point of the ad is right there, which is that Coke brings people together.
Third Project
You know when you feel like you're working for something real. Something that really is a goal, and a challenge, you put your heart and mind into it. This was not a regular university project.
This project was the most stressful project I had to work on yet, me and my partner Leen worked on the next three videos. The videos consist of 2 10 second teasers and 1 30 second hard launch.
This project was done for MBC Action to introduce Desert Forces' new season. We were limited with the footage and this is what I came up with:
Teaser 1:
Teaser 2:
Hard Launch:
The Hard Launch was the hardest to make and the one that took that most time. Honestly I love it the most, and I'm so proud of it !
Forth Project
The last project for this semester is finally done, and it was to create 5 logo's of stores that do not have Arabic calligraphy. Such a fun process, searching for fonts, and seeing which one suits the theme, and looks like the English typeface.
Here are my 5 logo's:
I took part in a project outside of my class, that was to create higher awareness for a website : Me and my partner Leen, participated in it and thought of these ideas, and presented them to the agency :)
Unfortunately, I can not upload the whole prezi presentation here so here's a link :
Another project I participated in is the Dubai Lynx competition of 2014. The idea was to bring awareness to Dubai Autism Center by a print ad.
Here is the print ad I created
I know that this poster is a bit difficult to understand but here is its explanation:
Autism is a very heavy word. When I think of autism I always imagine a child sitting alone, going through a phase that is a life time phase, that only he or she may understand.
With the research done, it became obvious that the “puzzle” is a very important aspect in portraying autism. It is the global sign.
That is why my big idea is the big puzzle. In the world we live today, we complete each other. we stand side by side whenever someone needs us, or needs our help. However, as educated as we are, we are uneducated about the real things that matter.
The ad is done to show that we are the puzzle, and that the children with autism are the missing one. As you can see the world is coloured green however the sea is not coloured ! and the big puzzle is the blue colour of the sea !
Therefore, we are not complete without them !
The copy is: Accepting the Uniqueness of True Individual’s to Succeed and Motivate.
The most important words in this copy make up the word AUTISM
‘Children with Autism are constantly neglected, or not given the right amount of attention needed. With The Dubai Autism Centre (DAC) all the attention, and education needed is given to the children with autism and their parents. The mission is not only to create awareness but to also educate the community, and have them accept and embrace the one with autism. Acceptance is the first and most important step.’
This is the paragraph put below the ad, to explain it to the public.
Hope you enjoyed the projects :)
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