on Monday 30 December 2013
Who's as excited as I am for the New Year?

We all have our ready list of New Year resolution that we all know WILL NOT COME TRUE or will not even attempt to try !!
But why not try to hope that we will be better, or get better !

Anyways I hope Samsung's New Years resolution is to find a better copy writer for their ad's cause the latest commercial IS HORRIBLE !
THE SCRIPT is just soo cheezy that it makes the whole commercial sound cheap !


I mean come on !
Just when I thought you were starting to dominate the world with your innovations, you came out with a commercial that could hurt you !!!

What happened Samsung?

 End-of-year crisis?

Just to make things clear, I love the product and the idea behind it
But this ad is just plain cheap.

Let me know what you think,
Sandra :)

on Friday 27 December 2013

A black background with a white arze is a loud and clear message that shows what Lebanon is going through.

Lebanese people woke up today morning 27.12.2013 to the news of the explosion next to Venecia Hotel in Beirut.
A sad moment for all of us, for even though Lebanon gets bombed often, we still have our humanity where we get shocked, scared, and hold our hearts to the sadness that fills us deep inside.

Have we lost our humanity?
Where is this going?
When is this going to stop?

Unfortunately, these are questions that can not be aswered.

All we can do is put our hands together and pray to god to keep us safe, and may every soul ever lost rest in peace.

Pray for the lost souls, 
Pray for humanity, 
Stay Safe,

on Tuesday 24 December 2013

Let's take a moment to thank Coca-Cola for being the reason that Santa is red.

And here are a couple of diverse brand ad's that personalized a specific ad for Christmas

Merry Christmas EVERYONE =D

on Sunday 22 December 2013
Growing up we all watched or read a certain story that made us believe in Super Hero's. Whether it was Marvel's characters or Disney's movies.

Mine was the TV show Smallville. I was completely IN LOVE with that show. 

Anyways, the ad of the day starts of with super natural babies, making it seem as if they are all beyond genius' and that they are beyond the ordinary. Which is the slogan: '

Flying in the face of ordinary'.

The ad and the slogan go hand in hand, cause what is ordinary is a part of us believes in superhero's EVEN THOUGH we know that they do not exist !

What Virgin Atlantic is trying to show here is that their staff are well prepared and all come together for the safety and comfort of the customer.

I love this ad, cause it starts of by trying to grab your attention andp get your curiosity to flame up, then ends with something so nice and genuine, showing Virgin Atlantic's human side. 

Hope you enjoyed this ad, 
Love, Sandra 
on Wednesday 18 December 2013
It's that time of the year again, where everyone is in a Christmas-y mood !
Even I (who is not supposed to celebrate Christmas) put the red hat on, and put up a small Christmas tree to feel the spirit and joy !
So why don't we all sing together *It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas * (8)

Let's get to the point shall we  !

WestJet Airlines launched the best pre-Christmas campaign that happened in just one day !
100 WestJet passengers wished for something they really wanted before they got onto the plane then got what they wished for within the arrival !

Are you wondering why WestJet's Santa is purple? bcz the logo is purple !

  Amazing campaign that happened just once giving WestJet AWARENESS, A FEEL OF HUMANITY, PEOPLE FINALLY RELATE TO THIS AIRLINES AS IF IT IS ANOTHER HUMAN and finally it made the passengers and the "soon to be" customers a feel that this airlines does care about them  and think of them !

Did you notice the personalization ? not in the gift ! but while Santa was talking to the flyers, he spoke to each one with their names and referred to the people traveling with them too !

Hope you have a Merry Merry Christmas !

on Sunday 15 December 2013

It's time for the annual Dubai Film Festival again, and just like I did for the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, I will discuss the DIFF.

Silent ad's are always the most capturing with the music, the scenery, and the narrative. I don't know about others, but silent ad's always make me interested and I put in all my effort to understand and capture the main point.

The thing that I loved about this ad the most is the theatrical play that was used and the music that was integrated with it. The music is SO Middle Eastern that you quickly understand that it is something to do with Middle East.

The Gold is also another symbol that was used within this trailer, the COLOUR gold stands out from the white allowing all your attention to be on the ad itself.
Finally in the last scene the gold is explained by the number 10, which reflects the 10th year that the Dubai Film Festival happens.

The theatrical, typographic trailer is just mind and eye capturing.

Hope you enjoyed it,
on Thursday 12 December 2013
Everyone is mind struck by the Volvo truck commercial where Jean-Claude Van Damme stands in between two trucks and does the split WHILE both trucks were moving !

I mean WHAT WERE YOU THINKING !! But what he was thinking was AMAZING !
because every time I watch this ad I go crazy, dying to show it to someone else just so that I can have someone next to me as shocked as I am !!

I think Volvo took commercials to a WHOLE new level and I applaud them for it !

For the ad showed and demonstrated how the steering is SO right in the Volvo Trucks !
This ad just means one thing, Advertisers need to step up their game and try to out-stand this ad

Good job Volvo, I'll be waiting for your next daring and mind blowing ad's !

Going back to the Lebanese Independence Day, this is the Volvo Truck ad that was distributed around Lebanon.

Hope you liked it,

on Sunday 8 December 2013
B7ibak ya Liban ya watani b7ibak <3

Before I stat I would like to wish every Lebanese person a happy independence day.

As you might know,the  Lebanese 7oth Independence Day was last week, 22 November.
Unfortunately I've been busy since to write a new post, even though this post had to be posted on the same day as Independence Day.

Lebanon is known for the best ad's, honestly, I love them.
What I like most about the following ad's is that not one of them is even close to being like the other !
Each one gives a vibe about what Lebanon really is and what its  citizens are feeling and who we are !
So here they are...
the Lebanese ad's of this years independence day !


Happy Lebanese Independence Day <3
To every Lebanese person on this planet 


on Tuesday 3 December 2013
 Innovative !
 Easy to use !
 White !
 Sophisticate !

My brand associations with apple can go on and on and yours may too !
I'm a huge fan of apple's commercials only because they truly reflect the brand's resemblance, the products and they target their audience really well !

As I recently heard there are some conflicts between the iphone 5C and the rest of the iphones simply because the audience are not sure what this product really is. What does the C stand for? some critics say it stands for cheap others say its for colour. The fact that the iphone 5C got released the same time iphone 5S was released this gave the audience a negative feeling about apple.

Why was apple launching cheaper brands? Is it still going to be positioned as a luxurious/ premium brand?

The 5S is for those who look forward to everything, they are the forward thinkers and love technology, love the experience and are more than willing to pay !
As for 5C the target audience  is for the more price-conscious, those who want a high end smart phone with fun colours and with expressive personality.

Anyways this ad IS SO MUCH FUN ! I love the sophistication used. The use of the white space, the illustration of the apps, and  THE COLOURS.

Hope you liked it as much as I did,
on Sunday 24 November 2013
I was lucky enough to be chosen by Airbus to intern with them for three days within the Dubai Air Show.

For those who do not know, Dubai Air Show is a huge event that happens annually in Dubai, where all of the worlds airplane companies, and manufacturers meet to show off their work and discuss business.

Here are a few pictures from the Dubai Air Show.

It was a 3-day internship, where I stood inside the EADS exhibition

Fortunately, I was exposed and learned about an ad that I wanted to share with you. In the exhibition there were 6 airplane seats, 3 seats were the regular plane seats which are 17 inches long, and the Airbus seats are the 18 inch seats. When clients used to enter the exhibition we had to make them try out the seats, we sat next to them so that they can feel the HUGE change between the 17 inch seats and the 18 inch seats. Frankly speaking 1 inch does a huge difference and I felt it every time I demonstrated the seats.

Hope you liked their true and creative ad.

on Thursday 21 November 2013
A while ago I wanted to blog about Cadburry- Bubbles ad that I saw on TV, but when I published the post I noticed that the video I chose was not what I wanted to share with the world. :(

I wrote:   "This ad came in the right place and in the PERFECT time. Just when uni started getting stressful, and all the projects, midterms, and quizzes are due in the same week or two I saw this ad, just when I was, no joke, about to break down I was cheered up again. You know how growing up guys learn that the only way to cheer a girl up is by chocolate or flowers THAT IS SO TRUE !
But in my case its more like watching the chocolate on a TV Screen."

"Please watch this and deny that it does not put a smile on your face cause I think this is the HAPPIEST AD EVER !"

Anyways, I'm constantly going on Youtube searching for the ad I wanted to post about but I could not.
Searching made me notice and learn that Cadbury created a whole new campaign which included JoyVille !

This campaign portrayed Joyville and how Cadbury is made !

Oh My God CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY put in to a series of ad's !
Anyways, watch and let me know what you think !

I know these are TOO many videos, but Cadbury did a great job with this campaign where all the videos are integrated and send the same message 

hope you enjoyed it.,

on Sunday 10 November 2013
This is probably the only time I will ask you, my readers, to do me a HUGE FAVOR.

Unilever is having a competition called The Quest, though I don't know much about it but all I know is that my best friend is participating and she needs your VOUCH !

Please go ahead and clink on this link https://thequest-ul.com/default.aspx?userId=2428
Then you may click VOUCH  !
 then click log in with facebook 
and search her name : Sara Ghassan AlBaroudi 

Please VOUCH and tell your friends to !

Thank yyyyoooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, =D