The Nancy Tag Challenge

There's a book that I've been wanting to read for a while now. The Ad Critique by Nancy Tag. My professor showed it to me and proposed that I read it since I have this blog, and I am the type of person who analyses every ad I see and I critique it. That is exactly what I do here.

Unfortunately, I searched in every bookstore in Abu Dhabi for this book and didn't find it; therefore, I did not read it. So what my professor decided to do in class is assign every one of us with a book to read in 3 weeks and come up with a promo for that book.

You might be thinking ' one book, 3 weeks that's so easy !' But it's not, it's not like I have nothing to do except read this book. I have uni, I have other studies, homework, quizzes, projects and midterms ! oh and did I forget the part that I am a lazy person? :p

So the Nancy Tag Challenge is as follows after I read every chapter I will write about it and explain it, and when I am done I will create the promo assigned and post it here. My plan is to finish before 3 weeks, but we will just see how well that goes. Today's date is 13th February 2014, let's see when I will get this done.

First of April, I have finally finished putting together what I learnt from this book =]
Next week I will be starting with the promo

Chapter 1

I enjoyed reading the first chapter very much. My plan is to write everything I found important in every chapter so that later on I would refer to this page and create my promo.

Bad advertising is advertising that's ineffective, meaning it did not meet it's strategic objectives.
Most advertising stinks
The reason most advertising is bad because it's really really hard to create advertising that's good.
Good advertising relies on: smart collaboration, fresh strategic insight and lost of creativity. = creative imperative. Unless you fully appreciate the creative imperative, you won't find the value in developing the skills of critique.
Business minded people fear that creativity has no boundaries, and worse no meaning.
In advertising creativity is imperative, being creative does not equal total freedom.
Critque is basically a discussion-based evaluation of work.
'Critique' is deconstructing an ad in order to understand it and construct something better; it pulls the work apart, examines it, and determines if the elements make sense and if the whole comes together.
3 important aspects in advertising : content generation, presentation and critique.

Chapter 2- AdSpeak
There's one department in the agency that takes hold of the process and then translates all those "conversations" into the advertising itself THE CREATIVE DEPARTMENT.
a bit of magic
Two major pitfalls, it creates an "us" vs "them" mentality and putting the creative process into a bit of a bubbles is that the work emerging from it seems a bit foreign to those not directly involved in its creation.
Everyone must be fluent in AdSpeak. AdSpeak is a more comprehensive understanding of how those basic marketing terms are translated into the creative product.
The Creative Strategy (The WHAT)  Advertising is all about thinking inside the box, the cleverest is the one who goes far with an idea yet still be in the box. The creative strategy is a document developed in partnership with the advertising agency and its client that outlines the objective of the advertising prior to its creation.
Four basic functions of an advertising strategy:
1- to aid in the coordination of a more comprehensive marketing effort
2- to get all levels of management in agreement
3- to give direction to creative development
4- to aid in the assessment of outcomes
Don't make a mess !! use as little as possible
The Target Audience (The WHO)
The Concept ( The HOW)
art + copy = meaning
The execution elements of a print ad include the copy ( headline, body copy , tagline) and the art ( design, type treatment, visual components). Layout elements include the placement of the headline, the product, logo and tagline as well as the color and the typeface choice.

The terms :
Brand identity and equity: how a brand is made evident and sustains value
Brand personality: the characteristics of a brand brought to life - often through advertising
Campaign: a series of ads based on a single concept
Concept: the HOW as in " how does this ad deliver the message?"
Execution: the way in which the elements of an ad are designed on the page
Ownability: as positioning, identity and style that make an ad unique
Page personality: how an ad comes to life
Proof: Demos that are believable
Strategy: the WHAT as in "what does this ad want us to know?"
Tagline: a pithy phrase that captures the essence of the campaign
Target Audience: the WHO as in "Who is this ad talking to?"
Chapter 3- Ad Errors
1- The headline and the visual are redundant or disconnected
2- Meaningless gimmicks and borrowed interest
3- Using spokespeople who are irrelevant to the product or to the message
4- Lack of focus
5- The page is overdeveloped and/ or poorly managed
6- Sacrificing clarity for cleverness
7- Over acknowledging your competition
8- Letting your strategy show
9- Being edgy for its own sake
10- Huh? Using pretzel logic, being too subtle or obtuse
11- Forgetting about the product
12- Being boring or too obvious
13- The tonality and / or visual style is inconsistent with the product or message
Chapter 4 - AdAnalogy
How art and copy play together
Cartoon to work
Pay attention to copy, play around with it make it work.
Chapter 5 - 360 Degree Critique
Define the media channels : print, broadcast, hybrids  (broadcast and interactivity), digital, Alternative media,
Timeline and traits of media channels
Print (static and two-dimensional) --> Radio (subtracts visuals and adds time and sound) --> TV (adds visuals to time and sound) --> Alternative Media (static, 3 dimensional and the environment must give meaning to the concept) --> Digital Hybrids (uses any combined characteristics of traditional media that allow it to exist as paid space on internet sites) --> Digital ( lives discretely --> Social Media (adds consumers voice as part of the message)
4E's : Experience, Everyplace, Exchange, and Evangelism
Chapter 6 - AdAlliances
Who really is the cast of the characters?
The Brand team (the client), the account team , the creative director, and the creative team.
Bill Bernbarch
Chapter 7 - AdSpeak Up!
The process: Strategy -> Concept -> Execution -> Layout -> Production
Chapter 8 - The Creative Team's Bill of Rights
8 things to expect during the presentation
1- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to present their work to clients who are alert, open-minded and responsive
2- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to be able to make a full presentation of their work before it is prematurely judged,
3- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to exchange views in a holistic-free environment that encourages spirited debate, proper consideration and constructive analysis
4- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to feel proprietary about their world and protective about the creative process
5- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to expect that their clients can separate the big idea from the minutia and to address each issue in accordance with its significance
6- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to not feel invisible after the presentation
7- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to be privy to all pertinent information prior to the presentation. In other words, happy surprises are welcome; ambushing is not.
8- It is withing the Creative Team's rights to be left alone and given time to think. Sometimes even minor changes require a bit of creative fitness. So don't expect a response to every issue and concern on the spot.

Chapter 9 - The Client's Bill of rights
6 things every client has a right to expect during a creative presentation
1- It is within The Client's rights to be fully briefed on how the creative work is an outgrowth of the strategy
2- It is within The Client's rights to have the executional parameters of the material unambiguously defined before it is presented
3- It is within The Client's rights to have the concept behind the advertising clearly articulated and to be shown how the concept had been meaningfully executed
4- It is within The Client's rights to be presented with a recommendation and a reason why
5- It is within The Client's rights to be given an opportunity to openly critique the work without intimidation, undue pressure, or unreasonable time constraints
6- It is within The Client's rights to expect that Creatives will temper their passion with professionalism

Chapter 10 - Presentation Prep
Prior to the meeting:
1- Agree on a reasonable timetable for creative development
2- Agree to provide significant information and insights at the beginning of the process instead of in drips and draps during the process
3- Agree that unexpected discoveries happen... and schedules need to be adjusted accordingly
4- Agree on the expect purpose of the meeting
5- Agree on the form that the presentation material will take
6- Agree on the limitations of the meeting
7- Make sure that everyone who will be attending the meeting is on the same page and has the same agenda
8- Walk in knowledgeable
Chapter 11- Critique Cheats

This was not what I was hoping for, not what I really wanted to do, but with the little time that I had, I had to make something and FAST !
so this short promo was created ^.^

Hope you liked it,


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