on Sunday 24 November 2013
I was lucky enough to be chosen by Airbus to intern with them for three days within the Dubai Air Show.

For those who do not know, Dubai Air Show is a huge event that happens annually in Dubai, where all of the worlds airplane companies, and manufacturers meet to show off their work and discuss business.

Here are a few pictures from the Dubai Air Show.

It was a 3-day internship, where I stood inside the EADS exhibition

Fortunately, I was exposed and learned about an ad that I wanted to share with you. In the exhibition there were 6 airplane seats, 3 seats were the regular plane seats which are 17 inches long, and the Airbus seats are the 18 inch seats. When clients used to enter the exhibition we had to make them try out the seats, we sat next to them so that they can feel the HUGE change between the 17 inch seats and the 18 inch seats. Frankly speaking 1 inch does a huge difference and I felt it every time I demonstrated the seats.

Hope you liked their true and creative ad.

on Thursday 21 November 2013
A while ago I wanted to blog about Cadburry- Bubbles ad that I saw on TV, but when I published the post I noticed that the video I chose was not what I wanted to share with the world. :(

I wrote:   "This ad came in the right place and in the PERFECT time. Just when uni started getting stressful, and all the projects, midterms, and quizzes are due in the same week or two I saw this ad, just when I was, no joke, about to break down I was cheered up again. You know how growing up guys learn that the only way to cheer a girl up is by chocolate or flowers THAT IS SO TRUE !
But in my case its more like watching the chocolate on a TV Screen."

"Please watch this and deny that it does not put a smile on your face cause I think this is the HAPPIEST AD EVER !"

Anyways, I'm constantly going on Youtube searching for the ad I wanted to post about but I could not.
Searching made me notice and learn that Cadbury created a whole new campaign which included JoyVille !

This campaign portrayed Joyville and how Cadbury is made !

Oh My God CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY put in to a series of ad's !
Anyways, watch and let me know what you think !

I know these are TOO many videos, but Cadbury did a great job with this campaign where all the videos are integrated and send the same message 

hope you enjoyed it.,

on Sunday 10 November 2013
This is probably the only time I will ask you, my readers, to do me a HUGE FAVOR.

Unilever is having a competition called The Quest, though I don't know much about it but all I know is that my best friend is participating and she needs your VOUCH !

Please go ahead and clink on this link https://thequest-ul.com/default.aspx?userId=2428
Then you may click VOUCH  !
 then click log in with facebook 
and search her name : Sara Ghassan AlBaroudi 

Please VOUCH and tell your friends to !

Thank yyyyoooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, =D
on Thursday 7 November 2013
Apologies apologies for not blogging for SO LONG ! 

To get back on track I decided to blog about this ad that came across me a couple of days ago. 
While speaking and learning about Hofstede's models of culture my professor showed us this ad. 
I personally liked it but found it not as nice as it should have been. Maybe my arab personality kicked in, because if someone created an ad that said BEBSI not PEPSI we would get mad and even though I say my P's as P's and NOT B's I would still take it personally; but every culture has its own personality. This ad however, is very smart and in my opinion the creative team behind this stepped on needle grounds to reach to this ad, simply because humor itself is very critical.
This ad is very humorous and Pepso used humor to their own benefit and not in a joking manner as if they are laughing at the consumer.


on Wednesday 6 November 2013
I'm sure everyone already knows the Evian baby me commercial. In case you don't know it, here it is:

I was searching KitKat commercials and came across this commercial. Let's ignore the fact that I entered the Indian advertising sector and that I had no idea what any of the words meant
Watching this commercial made only one idea cross my mind ! 

I'm sure when you watch it you're going to think the same thing.

Did these babies look so fake to you too?