on Thursday 29 August 2013
Qatar Foundation just partnered with FC Barcelona, both have officially collaborated to find the best and the most talented young people. By holding programs and projects Qatar foundation and FC Barcelona will help improve lives by helping and working together.  

There is not much that I know about this topic,  but watch this video that will explain it all and bring a smile to your face :)

For more information:
Qatar Foundation

Dubai's social media rates are high up in the air right now for the said to be a marketing trick my Cadburry. Is this true?

I have read and read and read almost everything I could find on this topic and came to a conclusion.
No. The proposal was not held in Dubai.
Secondly, no it's not a marketing trick by Cadburry, the train happened to be passing through with the Cadburry signs on it.
Journalists still don't know whether this was scripted or not but something just occurred to me. If it wasn't scripted then why did the woman filming this film it before the couple reached the singers, and why is there only one video being posted, If a proposal was happening don't you think others would be filming too?

Also, the girlfriend turned around held a guitar and hit his head with it, and he fell right to the ground, I don't know if that was real or not, but I didn't believe it.

Now this video was not held in Dubai, on the other hand it was in Mumbai, India, however reasons to why Dubai is on the title of this video is unknown but rates are increasing by the second so HOOORAY for Dubai.

Overall, the video is absolutely HILARIOUS, and the lady filming is even funnier.

Anyways here is the video

For more information:
Rejected marriage proposal
 Marriage proposal ends in disaster
Video of 'failed' propsal gets the web talking

Hope you had a good laugh
on Wednesday 28 August 2013
Helloooo !!

Apologies for not posting anything yesterday, but It was my birthday and was busy blowing candles all day :$

Anyways, my topic for today =D :
General Motors is a multinational worldwide known corporation. Known to have Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Baojun, Holden, Isuxu, Jie Fang, Opel, Vauxgall and Wuling (I did not know these on my own I researched). But I think I know something that some of you don't (muwahahahahaha *my evil laugh*). Did you know that recently General Motors released the GM Diet ! THAT'S RIGHT I said it Diet !!
It's a 7 day diet that I DO NOT RECOMMEND. I tried it and dehydrated, felt fatigue and dizzy all the time, and not to mention died for food. Pretty weird, why a car company would release a diet ! something that has NOTHING to do with cars !
Results may be effective and come fast but with fitness and dieting you must know that what goes easy comes back bigger and faster.
What good would it do you to lose weight in a week and put it back on over the weekend? The real trick my friends is green tea !
Anyways I'm not here to talk about dieting nor your eating habit or weight loss, I came across a few GM ad's and thought about sharing them.

After looking at these pictures I wanted to search for a commercial to share but instead I found myself researching and reading so many articles to understand something. You see, I forgot that General Motors went through a crisis yet stood back up on it's feet and gained everybody's trust again. GM owed $30 billion and was falling apart ! As a company if you get bankrupt, it's no surprise but as a multinational worldwide known corporation, it's kind of a big deal !
GM lost the trust of their consumer, it's reasons of failure were:
       1) They focused on their products, NOT the consumer
       2) They had too many products ! TOO many brands !! 
8 brand names, over 60 models for each is a lot for even a company to handle.
       3) Too many dealers
GM was selling everywhere and

Anyways, GM finally regained everyone's trust and released an ad to let everybody know of it's success.

After this "trust" video. Here is a real commercial That you can enjoy 

Hope you enjoyed today's insights
on Monday 26 August 2013
I have previously spoken about things in this world that truly bother me, from second hand smoking, to child abuse. The following subject is about a different kind of abuse. An abuse is a crime, and it's just as bad if you hurt a child or you hurt an older person.  Sexual violence is an intolerable act, and Make Your Move foundation shows that with their ad's. Make Your Move Missoula is an organization dedicated to putting an end to sexual violence. Spreading positive messages through their ad's and campaign.
These pictures are amazing and send such a strong message.

For more information:
Make Your Move Website
Make Your Move Facebook Page
For Crime Victim Advocate

on Sunday 25 August 2013
Bethanie is an Australian care organization for the elderly.  Bethanie not only provides community care but also have verified  and qualified facility that have a genuine commitment to  deliver quality services that helps those who stay with their needs and live well. Bethanie isn't only a caring center but also a village with nursing homes and hostels
With their message 'Stay Young' Bethanie reflected what it is all about with their ad's.

For more information on Bethanie  please visit: Bethanie
Nescafe always comes back and hits the TV screen with funnier and cuter commercials

The next ad is really the cutest and funniest commercial I have ever seen.  The content is so funny and adorable it just makes you want to be in that cafe with those guys and watch it happen. 
Translation : It starts off with the guy saying: Did it ever happen to you, that the cafeteria was so full there were no chairs or tables left to sit on? The suddenly Laila walks in. Laila is the only girl that attracts me, but also is attracted to by 20,00 other guys like me, Ziad who squints his eyes for her, Mounir who has the car, even Habib who only thinks of food ! Now it's time for another Nescafe My Cup. *He then walks up to her and says* Hi please hold these, I'm gna get a table two chairs and come sit with you ! Nescafe my cup, only needs you to stir ! 
The slogan here is "Bidaye kil el 2ossa" which means the beginning is the whole story"
Cute no? I hope you understood why I like this commercial a lot, if not then it's probably my lousy translation. Apologies 

After this came the series of commercials that show how Laila is the girl EVERYBODY wants. 
I'm not going to translate the following but for those who understand I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Don't we all just want to be Laila 

       Remember back before the year 2000 everything was easier, funnier, and happier.  If you are a child of the 90's you will remember at least most of the following and smile to how this world turned around.  This isn't only a reminder of how the world used to be but also an ad for Internet Explorer's new tablet and format. 

on Friday 23 August 2013
Nike. The world wide known brand has an authentic way of reaching out to it's consumers, its loyal ones, and new ones. This particular brand is just amazing. The way they engage and push people to "just do it". The slogan alone says it all ! Being a fitness garments store allows Nike to target their audience in multiple ways. First is raise awareness towards fitness and it's importance, then it's ability to push people to go out and run or at least MOVE !

In my opinion Nike's slogan did more than just sell and raise sales. It became part of our everyday dictionary. JUST DO IT. Don't want to? you're lazy? JUST DO IT ! It's a great push. Don't you think? Clever :)
A great invention by Nike is the FuelBand that counts your calories right on you're wrist.
Check out their ad that explains it all !

Isn't Nike just amazing? Even if you don't work out / run or hit the gym they make you want to buy it and just use it !

I think every runner deserves a pair of beautiful Nike's, or at least beautiful trainers to go with their outfit.
I mean isn't this closet just A DREAM !!!!?

I know I have my shoes what's stopping you from having yours?

Mine might not be Nike,(they are Reebok) but they are awesome and all I need for a great work out !

For more information please visit: Nike

& don't forget Just Do It :)
on Thursday 22 August 2013
If you haven't watched Samsung's newest commercial then you should. The American 8 time Grammy winner artist User collaborated with Samsung for their newest ad. In the ad, Usher faces an epic fight with his other side but to only find out that motion is powerful that it defines what you see, feel or hear. With Samsung's new Smart TV you can bring the action home. Samsung has become an amazing competitor to all technological companies out there for their Research & Development Department is very good. Speed is what Samsung has, with one device after the other.

Enjoy the 50 MILLION viewed ad
"Motion is Power"
on Wednesday 21 August 2013
Abuse is a very sensitive issue to step on. It is definitely a critical topic an d a big NONO. I for one am completely against child abuse.
This ad is such a smart alert and an awareness for children but here's the catch you would read something while your child who is above 10 years old would read something else. Isn't this interesting.
There is so much one may say about this yet so little. 
Check out the images and watch the video and you will understand what I mean.

Another amazing campaign done is by UNICEF who created the following video to increase awareness against child abuse.


Back when Sky Fall came out EVERYONE and i mean EVERY ONE rushed to watch it. The classic 007 movies are so popular and amazing that everyone runs for a quick 2 hour break at the movies to watch them. I for one watched the Skyfall and loved it and didn't think I could love it even more until I saw this ad.
Coca Cola bonded with the 007 theme and allowed random consumers to collaborate their energy to unlock the 007 in them. I don't think I explained it very well.
Watch and See:


As an advertiser I always look up to the best advertising agencies around the world not only UAE and what they have to offer. Even though there isn't a "top ten advertising agencies of 2013" there is one done by Forbes of 2012.

The first or may I say the best agency chosen by Forbes is Grey Advertising. Grey's creativity and impressive performance allowed it to succeed and show off it's best to the world.
Here are some well known ad's by Grey Advertising

Second is Wieden+ Kennedy. Known for their top creativity for the past 30 years as well as staying on top W+K's top clients are Coke, Nike and P&G (Old Spice). Here are some of their ad's:

The third firm chosen by Forbes is Butler, Shine, Stern. They are greatly known for their Nokia and MINI ad's.

Forth comes Ogilvy. I have to admit even though I have seen the previous ad's I did not know which agency was responsible for such creativity. Here is one that is very well known, and perhaps the first agency in the UAE. Ogilvy achieved the unthinkable in the advertising world receiving two awards one from Effie's and the other from Cannes Lions.

Last one for the day is BBDO. BBDO is a 122 year old agency. Creativity from BBDO is over the top for their mantra is "The Work. The Work. The Work." 

For more information please read : Top Ten Great Ad Agencies of 2012

Another Y&R amazing campaign that showed amazing results and feedback. Gulf News partnered with Tim Hortons to create the "Headline News Cup Sleeve". I don't know what I can write about this for the video explains it all. Y&R did it again.

on Tuesday 20 August 2013
Young & Rubicam also known as Y&R !
One of the biggest advertising establishments in the world, Y&R ranks as the 10th largest advertising agency. Y&R has multiple offices all over the globe, from New York to Greece, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Muscat, Italy, Australia, UK, Thailand, Lebanon, Tokyo, Malaysia, China and many more.
Y&R never failed to release the best of the best and as an advertising student I hope one day I will be at least half as good as these talented creatives are.

Last semester, my advertising professor arranged a meeting for Y&R to come and speak to us students. The lecture was inspiring. The speaker, Mr. Joseph Bihag told us about how HP went up to Y&R and wanted to instead of sending the usual greeting cards maybe spread a little hope. Y&R was up to challenge. They sent a message off to the world to write a wish they want for 2012 through twitter using the #everybody2012 meanwhile creating the balloon writer. The last three days of 2011 the wisher was active, users watched their wish get written down on a white balloon and sent into the air to fly and live on forever. Something about the freedom of balloons always gives us hope.
When the Mr. Bihag was speaking he said something that caught my attention and stuck to me, he said "Challenge the brief". Isn't that amazing ! don't only challenge yourself and your capabilities but also the brief.

I couldn't upload the video so here's the link:

HP Twitter Wisher

I for one didn't hear of this, but for all those who sent out wishes, I hope they came true :)

For more information about Y&R please visit their official website:
As little as I know about Lebanese sim cards, and their functions I know much less about the internet. At least with the sim cards I know that we have two telephone companies which are MTC and Alfa. To be honest, both are not so great and I don't know which is more preferred than the other but I do know this. The way Lebanese telephone companies operate is too complicated for my brain.

Advertising ! I remember searching Lebanese advertising once and coming across this ad. It's so funny and gets you to think because what's written and what is shown are irrelevant yet SO RELEVANT !
Weird no?! 
So let's see... The picture has a "fast car" driving and a little poor sheep in front of it, then the ad says "ma t5ali shi y5afif min sr3tak" which means don't let anything decrease your speed. 
Wait. There's more. Then ofc the brand name is written "ALFA 3G+" and right below it it says "internet saree3 wain ma tkoun" which means wherever you are the internet is fast.

I love the word fast's relationship with the fast car. This is a clever ad. I really like it.

From what I know about Lebanon and when I'm there, I experience the WORST internet connection even the internet cafe's. That is the worst part other than of course no electricity 75% of the day, no spectrum for your calls, if you're lucky you'll hear 8 words out of 10, no water in the house and the list goes on. Let's hope that this is fixed now by ALFA and I wish Lebanon's citizens and very fast internet connection.

Hope you liked it too


on Monday 19 August 2013
I always knew that there are life-saving firms out there that inform people of what is going on, pollution and global warming wise. In the beginning, everyone went crazy, searched and tried their best to decrease the level of pollution we cause. Right now, we heard so much about it that it seems like no one cares anymore, one might think, one person won't cause a change. However, with everyone thinking like that don't you think that that would cause change ! A drastic change actually.

Recently, I came across a group of ad's that shook my emotions. They are so visual that you can't help but stare and search for more. You never know what harm you are causing yourself and others until you see it with your own eyes and that is the main problem with us humans, we not only hurt ourselves but others too without even noticing until someone holds our hands and spoon feeds us the truth of what we've done.

World Wildlife Fund, WWF, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to build a future where people would live in peace with nature. In their website they wrote that people, wildlife and the environment are closely linked.
Their mission is to inform and take action against climate change. You know that thing we all experienced, whether it's heat in winter or suddenly raining in summer or it's not as hot as last year, or not as cold as the year before. IT'S ALL IN OUR HANDS. We made this happen but again we chose to point our fingers at "Global Warming" as if that is something that we did not cause.

WWF's projects are innovative, collaborative and scientific, they chose their campaigns carefully and properly.

Here are a few pictures from their campaigns.

For more information please visit WWF's main website: WWF