A Post- Halloween Special

on Sunday 2 November 2014
Hello readers,

Hope your Halloween went better than expected ! ^.^

I was honestly surprised to see that some firms do actually invest in a Halloween Special Commercial ! 
It made so much sense to me when I watched the commercials ! I loved Subway and Crest+Oral B because it made so much sense. 
However honestly, Ikea's commercial just killed me, and I kept on fast forwarding until I reached the end. Sorry Ikea but your Halloween commercial is a NONO. 

In the Subway commercial, Subway tried to prove Halloween's myth right, Halloween is a girls' excuse to dress shorter and sexier, but I found it to be smart and funny at the same time. 
So YAY for Subway !

Nothing is better than a focus group with children. They are just so cute, fun and just so innocent ! 
I ALWAYS watch Jimmy Kimmel when he gets children and pranks them or gets the parents to prank them ! It's so funny and they are ADORABLE <3 !!!!

Anyways, here is a small and hilarious focus group with children, 
Crest + Oral B topped this one !
2 minutes just passed so quickly with this one.

IKEA, I don't know what to say about this one. It really bored me, but it got me thinking about how Ikea is assorted, and how the store takes you through every corner and room of your house in a very systematic and smooth way. 

To end today's post I think it's only fair that I share Ellen Degeneres's & Jimmy Kimmel's Halloween segments.

Hahaha these two are my favorite !!!
Hope you liked today's post !

Let me know which commercial you enjoyed the most
ALSO if there are any more Halloween special commercials let me know.



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