Lebanese Internet = Lebanese problems

on Tuesday 20 August 2013
As little as I know about Lebanese sim cards, and their functions I know much less about the internet. At least with the sim cards I know that we have two telephone companies which are MTC and Alfa. To be honest, both are not so great and I don't know which is more preferred than the other but I do know this. The way Lebanese telephone companies operate is too complicated for my brain.

Advertising ! I remember searching Lebanese advertising once and coming across this ad. It's so funny and gets you to think because what's written and what is shown are irrelevant yet SO RELEVANT !
Weird no?! 
So let's see... The picture has a "fast car" driving and a little poor sheep in front of it, then the ad says "ma t5ali shi y5afif min sr3tak" which means don't let anything decrease your speed. 
Wait. There's more. Then ofc the brand name is written "ALFA 3G+" and right below it it says "internet saree3 wain ma tkoun" which means wherever you are the internet is fast.

I love the word fast's relationship with the fast car. This is a clever ad. I really like it.

From what I know about Lebanon and when I'm there, I experience the WORST internet connection even the internet cafe's. That is the worst part other than of course no electricity 75% of the day, no spectrum for your calls, if you're lucky you'll hear 8 words out of 10, no water in the house and the list goes on. Let's hope that this is fixed now by ALFA and I wish Lebanon's citizens and very fast internet connection.

Hope you liked it too


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