If you ever visited Lebanon or you are Lebanese then you will know that loving Almaza is in our blood just like loving out own country. We love Lebanon with all our soul even with all the things that happen, all the party arguments and fights, when someone messes with Lebanon we stick together. That's the funny part about being Lebanese, we hate being in Lebanon, we hate that there is rarely any water, we hate that there is no electricity especially when we need it (which is at night because we get eaten by mosquitoes in the summer, or freeze in winter) we hate that everything breaks down and nothing lasts long, yet we LOVE our country. Funny right!?
Anyways I've always loved Lebanese ad's, from the commercials to the random billboards. They are what inspired me to enter this profession and study it, and I hope excel in it.
These are 3 Almaza ad's which I found.
The black and white one says don't compare, and has two kinds of beers on it the Almaza and the Amstel beer.

The second one says "samra 2aw sha2ra" which means the brunette or the blond, but in this context referring to the beers taste and color.
I love the play with words!

Finally, the third ad, our barbecues are our food, if you enter any Lebanese restaurant you will find barbecue on the menu, alongside with the mezza, taboole and fatoush. Because that's who we are, this ad says "haida jawna, haida ni7na" which means this is how we are, this is us. Notice the beer cap between the meat and veggies. I love it !
Anyways I've always loved Lebanese ad's, from the commercials to the random billboards. They are what inspired me to enter this profession and study it, and I hope excel in it.
These are 3 Almaza ad's which I found.

The second one says "samra 2aw sha2ra" which means the brunette or the blond, but in this context referring to the beers taste and color.
I love the play with words!

Finally, the third ad, our barbecues are our food, if you enter any Lebanese restaurant you will find barbecue on the menu, alongside with the mezza, taboole and fatoush. Because that's who we are, this ad says "haida jawna, haida ni7na" which means this is how we are, this is us. Notice the beer cap between the meat and veggies. I love it !
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