HP Wisher

on Tuesday 20 August 2013
Young & Rubicam also known as Y&R !
One of the biggest advertising establishments in the world, Y&R ranks as the 10th largest advertising agency. Y&R has multiple offices all over the globe, from New York to Greece, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Muscat, Italy, Australia, UK, Thailand, Lebanon, Tokyo, Malaysia, China and many more.
Y&R never failed to release the best of the best and as an advertising student I hope one day I will be at least half as good as these talented creatives are.

Last semester, my advertising professor arranged a meeting for Y&R to come and speak to us students. The lecture was inspiring. The speaker, Mr. Joseph Bihag told us about how HP went up to Y&R and wanted to instead of sending the usual greeting cards maybe spread a little hope. Y&R was up to challenge. They sent a message off to the world to write a wish they want for 2012 through twitter using the #everybody2012 meanwhile creating the balloon writer. The last three days of 2011 the wisher was active, users watched their wish get written down on a white balloon and sent into the air to fly and live on forever. Something about the freedom of balloons always gives us hope.
When the Mr. Bihag was speaking he said something that caught my attention and stuck to me, he said "Challenge the brief". Isn't that amazing ! don't only challenge yourself and your capabilities but also the brief.

I couldn't upload the video so here's the link:

HP Twitter Wisher

I for one didn't hear of this, but for all those who sent out wishes, I hope they came true :)

For more information about Y&R please visit their official website:


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