General Motors

on Wednesday 28 August 2013
Helloooo !!

Apologies for not posting anything yesterday, but It was my birthday and was busy blowing candles all day :$

Anyways, my topic for today =D :
General Motors is a multinational worldwide known corporation. Known to have Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Baojun, Holden, Isuxu, Jie Fang, Opel, Vauxgall and Wuling (I did not know these on my own I researched). But I think I know something that some of you don't (muwahahahahaha *my evil laugh*). Did you know that recently General Motors released the GM Diet ! THAT'S RIGHT I said it Diet !!
It's a 7 day diet that I DO NOT RECOMMEND. I tried it and dehydrated, felt fatigue and dizzy all the time, and not to mention died for food. Pretty weird, why a car company would release a diet ! something that has NOTHING to do with cars !
Results may be effective and come fast but with fitness and dieting you must know that what goes easy comes back bigger and faster.
What good would it do you to lose weight in a week and put it back on over the weekend? The real trick my friends is green tea !
Anyways I'm not here to talk about dieting nor your eating habit or weight loss, I came across a few GM ad's and thought about sharing them.

After looking at these pictures I wanted to search for a commercial to share but instead I found myself researching and reading so many articles to understand something. You see, I forgot that General Motors went through a crisis yet stood back up on it's feet and gained everybody's trust again. GM owed $30 billion and was falling apart ! As a company if you get bankrupt, it's no surprise but as a multinational worldwide known corporation, it's kind of a big deal !
GM lost the trust of their consumer, it's reasons of failure were:
       1) They focused on their products, NOT the consumer
       2) They had too many products ! TOO many brands !! 
8 brand names, over 60 models for each is a lot for even a company to handle.
       3) Too many dealers
GM was selling everywhere and

Anyways, GM finally regained everyone's trust and released an ad to let everybody know of it's success.

After this "trust" video. Here is a real commercial That you can enjoy 

Hope you enjoyed today's insights


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